Thursday, March 6, 2014

14 things that are obsolete in 21st century schools

I read an interesting article recently by Icelandic educator, Ingvi Hrannar.  What surprised me was the number of ideas which really surprised me which have for so long been--in my mind at least--hallmarks of schools.

  1. Computer rooms: computers should be built into curriculum, not just a once a week phenomena.
  2.  Isolated classrooms: the classroom should be visible from beyonds its four walls.
  3. WiFi-lessness: students and teachers ought to be connected.
  4. Banned cell phones & tablets: they are so much more than just single function devices.
  5. Tech director with admin access: people need be working with teachers and students.
  6. Non-Sharing Teachers: teachers should share ideas.
  7. Schools without Facebook or Twitter
  8. Unhealthy cafeteria food
  9. Starting school at 8:00am for teenagers: not too sure about this one.
  10. Buying poster-, website-and pamphlet design for the school
  11. Traditional libraries: libraries should that just about reading books.  I once heard a librarian describe these places where students connect with ideas.  Brilliant!
  12. All students get the same
  13. One Pro-D workshop fits all
  14. Standardized tests to measure the quality of education

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