Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Twitter: Note Taking (Earth's Crust)

What worked well?
  • Faster than just writing it out
  • Neater for some
  • Seems more fun
  • More interactive(r)
  • Useful as a study tool in that we can share notes
  • Twitter can be used to teach people
  • It’s awesome
  • Twitter is actually pretty nice
  • More efficient(r)
  • Share ideas better
  • Can see what people are doing (transparent thinking)
  • Teaches us to take shorter notes
  • Better technology that using traditional methods like writing
  • Greener (no paper use)
  • Much easier (grammar & spelling checks)

How could this be better?
  • Everyone should have an account
  • No off topic content (e.g. LOL)
  • Multitasking can be slow
  • Have tweets rolling across bottom of video (real time or at least slightly delayed)
  • Buy everyone an iPod
Sample Student Work (close to the end product)

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